Our Classes

These classes have allowed the community to get a real taste of the amazing activities and variety of amenities we have on offer at our facilities, allowing you to experience first hand what we offer and make positive lifestyle changes for good.


Yoga 9-45am - 10-45am
Exercise Class 10:30am - 11:30am
Knitting Club 10am - 12pm
Judo 4pm - 7.30pm
Yoga 6-30pm - 7-30pm
Empowerment Academy for Girls 6-00pm - 7-00pm 7-00pm - 8-00pm
Ballet All Evening


Ladies Badminton - 10am - 12:30pm
Exercise Class - 10:30am - 11:30am
Yoga 9.45am - 10.45am
Yoga 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Spanish (Beginners) 5-00pm 6-00pm
Spanish (Beginners) 6-00pm 7-00pm
Zumba 7-00pm - 8-00pm
Fly dressing (seasonal) 7-00pm - 9-00pm
Ballet All Evening


Tap Dancing: 10.30am - 11.30am
Art Class: 10am - 12pm
Kindness Classes 4-00pm - 5.15pm / 5.30pm - 6.30pm
Kids Krav Maga 5.30pm - 6.30pm
Yoga 7-00pm - 8-30pm
Zumba 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Ballet All Evening


Exercise Class 10.30am - 11.30am
Tai Chi 10-30am - 11-30am
Art Class 10am - 12pm
Taekwondo 4pm - 5pm
Burlesque 6-30pm - 8.00pm
Spanish Elementary 5pm - 6pm
Spanish Intermediate 6pm - 7pm
Yoga 6.30pm - 7.30pm 7-300pm - 8-30pm
Ballet All Evening


Pilates 9-30am - 10-15am
Art Class 10am - 12pm
Tai Chi 10am - 11am
Art Class 1pm - 3pm
Ballet All Evening


Broughty United 12:30pm
Ballet - All Day
Dance Classes 12-30pm - 3-30pm
Empowerment Academy for Girls 1-00pm - 4-00pm

If more information about any class is required either phone 775988

 or use the Contact Us Page on the Website

Letting terms

To Meet legal obligations YMCA Broughty Ferry is required to inform all of its commercial lets of their legal obligations.

  1. All lets will be required to carry out their own risk assessment.
  2. They must ensure that if they are working with children or vulnerable adults they have the relevant disclosure clearance.
  3. They must be covered by the relevant insurance.
  4. They must familiarise themselves with any fire equipment, fire alarms, exit routes and meeting points. They also require to keep a register of those attending the class for fire safety purposes.
  5. They will also be responsible for any persons attending (e.g. parents of children) to keep passageways clear at all times to meet current fire regulations. They should be encouraged to drop off and then leave and only return when the let is finished.
  6. In the event of any damage caused beyond normal wear and tear by persons attending a let, YMCA reserves the right to seek recompense from the person or group responsible for the let.

We would therefore ask that an authorised person signs acknowledge acceptance of these terms and conditions. YMCA reserves the right to terminate any let found to be in breach of any of these conditions.