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The YMCA believes in the power of young people and communities to promote and advance justice, peace, equity and human rights for all.

The YMCA will become a global voice in the fight against systemic discrimination, inequity, injustice and racism in all its forms, amplifying the voices of young people and communities where it is active to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard.


The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the international agreement between 193 member states of the United Nations and spells out the rights that should be afforded to you.

On 16th March 2021, The Scottish Parliament passed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill and in July 2024 it became an Act in Scots Law.

Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

By focusing our efforts on the most deprived areas identified by SIMD, we aim to make a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most.

We are driven by the belief that by investing in the potential of individuals and communities, we can create positive and sustainable change, fostering resilience, social inclusion, and a sense of belonging.

Y-Care International

Y Care International is at its core a partnership-based organisation, working hand in hand with local youth-focused organisations in some of the world’s poorest countries to create opportunities for disadvantaged young women and men.

Y Care International, was founded by Terry Waite CBE – who remains their President and passionate advocate – and National Council of England members John Naylor and David Bedford.

Y Care International continued to be a subsidiary charity of YMCA England & Wales before becoming a fully independent in 2005.

Ukraine Crisis

YMCA Scotland stands in solidarity with Ukraine during the challenging times brought about by the conflict with Russia.

We have actively undertaken efforts to raise funds and provide support to alleviate the impact of the war on affected communities.

Recognising the urgent need for humanitarian aid, we organised fundraising campaigns, charity events, and donation drives to provide essential resources to those in need.

These initiatives have enabled us to contribute to vital relief efforts, such as providing food, shelter, medical supplies, and psychological support to affected individuals and families.

Scottish Youth Parliament

YMCA Scotland takes immense pride in its representation within the Scottish Youth Parliament, with two dedicated Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs).

Through their active involvement, YMCA Scotland MSYPs contribute to shaping policies on equality, mental health, education, and sustainable development.

They champion the rights and well-being of the youth, striving to create a Scotland where every young person has an equal opportunity to thrive, and their voices are valued in decision-making processes.

LGBT+ Champions

As an inclusive organisation, YMCA Scotland are champions of the LGBT+ movement, fostering a welcoming and positive atmosphere for all of our members to be comfortable about themselves.

Community Wellbeing

National Programme

Meaningful Work

Sustainable Planet



Donate to YMCA Scotland.