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23 January 2020

Norman’s YMCA Journey

I was bullied for 2 years and dropped out of high school because of stress. Coming to Cupar Youth Cafe allowed me to rebuild my confidence and find a new direction in life. 

20 January 2020

Ryan’s YMCA Journey

Ryan had completely disengaged from school and was involved in risk-taking behaviour. He had lost all interest in his friends and was experiencing extremely low moods. He was self-harming as a way of coping.

5 November 2019

Jim Thomson Remembers

At the end of the Second World War, the whole of Europe was in turmoil as new demands were being made on every aid agency.

6 November 2019

Stephi Remembers

I got involved with YMCA Scotland’s heritage project after applying to become a heritage ambassador, this was part of a Heritage Lottery funded project encouraging young people to get more involved in the heritage of their charity. 

17 June 2019

Penicuik YMCA-YWCA appoints new CEO

Penicuik YMCA-YWCA has announced the appointment of Scott MacFarlane as its new CEO. The appointment will help the centre, which specialises in services to young people, to continue to expand and develop into new areas of provision to meet the needs of the local community.

17 June 2019

Leithers Vote To Grant YMCA Edinburgh £5,000

We’re thrilled to announce that YMCA Edinburgh has been awarded £5000 – the maximum amount that could be awarded – to fund the development of their women’s group. The group supports women, from all ages and background, who are socially isolated.

17 June 2019

Starting a community garden revolution

When Andy McGovern lived in Australia, he shared a flat with the man who was running Transtion Bondi, a sustainable living community. Through that relationship, he was exposed to new ideas around gardening and sustainability and also got the opportunity to visit many gardening projects.

17 June 2019

Amanda’s Story #IAMWHOLE

I wanted to be strong for my family and I supported my mum as much as possible. I didn’t want to lose the family I had left, so I put a brave face on and acted as if I was okay – I really wasn’t.

17 June 2019

Kristopher’s Story

I became homeless after splitting up with my girlfriend because my mental health was deteriorating. Having been in care, I had no idea what to do next. Thankfully, my social worker helped me get a place in YMCA Glenrothes’ supported accommodation.

17 June 2019

Ayesha’s Story

I was born in Hyderabad in South India. I completed an M.Sc in Nutrition and Dietetics in India where I worked as a Lecturer. After I got married, my husband and I traveled a lot. We finally settled in Edinburgh 9 years ago.

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